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Basics to Advanced Stand Up Paddling

▶️ Even just casually paddling a few times on an inflatable, knowing the right technique helps greatly to enjoy this amazing sport of #sup #standuppaddling more!
▶️ That board will finally do exactly what you want it to do!
▶️ Just by reading into the basics part on our @standuppaddle.tricktionary book
▶️ 528 pages knowledge about SUP for every level and every discipline, available in 5 different languages!
May 23, 2023|
View: 4163 |
Categories: SUP | Tags: <a class="mp-info" href="https://www.tricktionary.com/it/blog/tag/sup.html">SUP</a>|
By: <a class="mp-info" href="https://www.tricktionary.com/it/blog/author/michi-rossmeier.html">Michi Rossmeier</a>